In 2018, “Dalma” Group successfully launched its new branch – industrial catering. Located in a modern industrial 550 m2 kitchen, certified with HACCAP and ISO 22000:2018, with a production capacity of 7500 cooked meals per day, “Dalma” industrial catering is one of the biggest catering services of this type on the market.
“Dalma” industrial catering is the only catering in Macedonia that owns and uses the technology od “cold chain”. With this technology, food is instantly chilled with blast-chillers, thus eliminating the possibility for development of aerobic bacteria to 100%.
The food is transported to the final consumer in a “cold chain”, transported in specialized thermo-stable food boxes in a HACCAP certified vehicle with thermo-king insulation which keeps the food at the desired temperature.
At the serving point, the food is briefly heated in convection ovens. In this way, the food preserves its quality and freshness and is safe to consume.